Adjunct Professor
Physics and Astronomy
Fabian Heitsch is a professor in the department of physics and astronomy. He joined UNC-Chapel Hill in 2009 and is leading the Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics Lab, where his group investigates how matter cycles through the Galaxy, from the birth of stars out of giant gas clouds, to their sometimes explosive deaths.
Much of Professor Heitsch’s work employs supercomputer simulations. These help astrophysicists to bridge the gap between theory and observations by providing a three-dimensional view that is rarely accessible in astronomical observations. With a lifelong interest in classics and philosophy, Professor Heitsch is currently teaching a course in the general education curriculum, “Myths, Moons and Methods: Changing Worldviews in Astronomy,” together with Professors Marc Lange (philosophy) and James Rives (classics). Professor Heitsch is looking forward to teaching a course on the role of the sciences in society as part of SCiLL’s new curriculum.