Assistant Professor
School of Civic Life and Leadership
Michael Hawley is an assistant professor and director of undergraduate students for SCiLL. He is a political theorist with interests in ancient and modern republicanism, Roman political thought, comparative political philosophy, and rhetoric. His first book, Natural Law Republicanism, Cicero’s Liberal Legacy, examines how Cicero’s thought helped to shape the development of early modern liberalism and the American Founding. His second book project (tentatively titled Preaching to the Choir: The Rhetoric of Prophets, Reformers, and Demagogues) examines the theory and practice of rhetoric that seeks to rile listeners up, rather than persuade them.
Hawley’s articles have appeared in The American Journal of Political Science, The Journal of Politics, Political Research Quarterly, Polity, Polis, The Journal of Military Ethics, The History of European Ideas, Perspectives on Political Science and Philosophy and Theology.
Hawley received a BA from Tufts University and a PhD in political science from Duke University. He previously taught at Duke, the University of Notre Dame, Bowdoin College, and the University of Houston. He enjoys teaching courses on great books and permanent human questions.